I am a New Delhi based student of Journalism with widespread interest in reporting and analyzing stories and articles related to the fields of Global and Indian Development with special emphasis on Health, Indian Politics, Business and Finance, International Affairs and Sports.

I am currently enrolled at AJK Mass Communication Research Center, Jamia Millia Islamia due to major in May 2013.

Born and brought up in Lucknow my first brush with the asymmetrical development of the country came to the forefront when I visited Bundelkhand in Uttar Pradesh in 2001. The near famine like situation that we see now was very much evident back then. 

Travelling to New Delhi was often and the glitz around used to tick my mind often. How could development be so sporadic? How could the politicians become mere puppets in the name of money?  I haven't been able to garner any reply for this particular question for years now..

My interest in Public Health has been strengthened over years. If you set out on your feet and interact with people about the medical facilities they avail in rural, semi-rural and urban areas is when you shall understand the sad state of affairs with the Indian public health system.

Politicians blabber about advancements in cutting edge medical care, but how many of them realize that the real beneficiaries in remote areas remain bereft of them? That it is not new to take cognizance that even the most basic of the access to health facilities evade them?

Hopefully in subsequent years as a health journalist or a communicator I may be able to bridge this large divide between the givers (the political class) and the beneficiaries who access the public health system.  


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